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PMView Pro Forums > PMView Pro Discussion > PMView - General Discussion
Pages: 1, 2
  1. Pinned: Pmview V3.82 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  2. Pinned: Forum Registration (2 replies)
  3. Pinned: Forum Registration Required For Posting (0 replies)
  4. Suggestion: Webp Support (6 replies)
  5. Webp (4 replies)
  6. EXIF support - EXIF preview image is gone when saving (7 replies)
  7. Screen Capture With High Resolution (6 replies)
  8. Svg Support (2 replies)
  9. Linux version? (21 replies)
  10. Feature Request - Mouse Wheel (2 replies)
  11. Gps Location Disappears (2 replies)
  12. Pmview V3.81 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  13. Change List For Pmview 3.80? (2 replies)
  14. Pmview V3.80 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  15. Pmview V3.79 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  16. Pmview V3.79 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  17. Pmview V3.78 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  18. Unrecognized File Format From Windows Explorer (0 replies)
  19. Pmview V3.77 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  20. Pmview V3.76 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  21. Delete "red eyes"? (4 replies)
  22. Kodak FPX format? (2 replies)
  23. Pmview V3.75 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  24. Pmview V3.74 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  25. Pmview V3.73 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  26. Handling Of Png Background Transparency In V3.72+ (2 replies)
  27. Pmview V3.72 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  28. Status Bar: What Does The Percentage Field Represent? (3 replies)
  29. Pmview V3.71 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  30. Unrecognized File Format (1 reply)
  31. Pmview V3.70 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  32. Mailing List: When Will They Become Available Again? (1 reply)
  33. Corrupt Jpeg Data (1 reply)
  34. How Can I Move Scripts To A New Computer? (1 reply)
  35. Sort Option For Windows Exporer Order (4 replies)
  36. Pmview V3.67 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  37. Slide Show On A Tv W/o Controls Showing? (1 reply)
  38. Pmview V3.65 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  39. Raw Files From Nikon D300 (*.nef) (1 reply)
  40. Dialogue Fonts (4 replies)
  41. Pmview V3.64 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  42. Pmview V3.63 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  43. Cropping And Dimension Ratio (4 replies)
  44. Searching The Forum (0 replies)
  45. Usability Enhancements (15 replies)
  46. "selection Info" Window (cropping) (0 replies)
  47. Area Manipulation (3 replies)
  48. Two Small Bugs In 3.61 (1 reply)
  49. Foc -> Moveto Dialog Isn't Resizeable (5 replies)
  50. Pmview V3.60 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  51. Must Have Addition: Run External Utility (4 replies)
  52. Directory Tree (1 reply)
  53. Png & Firefox Again (3 replies)
  54. Entering Registration Information (4 replies)
  55. Pmview V3.53 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  56. Scripting Against A Tree Of Images (1 reply)
  57. Block Selction Vs. From-to (4 replies)
  58. Raw Support? (1 reply)
  59. Feature Request - Zoom With Mouse Wheel (0 replies)
  60. Dng Support (1 reply)
  61. Possible Support For Jpeg2000? (6 replies)
  62. Pmview V3.52 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  63. Foc Convert Cannot Create A Dir (4 replies)
  64. Turning Photographs Into Canvas Art (7 replies)
  65. Pmview Pro V3.51 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  66. Image Archive Considerations & Tiff Options (1 reply)
  67. Editing Photos For Display (0 replies)
  68. Cursor Placement When Tabbing To Field (2 replies)
  69. Non-standard Bmp? (4 replies)
  70. Print with black border - feature request (1 reply)
  71. Pmview Pro And Windows Vista (1 reply)
  72. Icon shown in Windows taskbar (4 replies)
  73. 1st Cut = White; 2nd Cut = Black (5 replies)
  74. Exif -> Image Datestamping (5 replies)
  75. Feature Suggestion (2 replies)
  76. Pmview Termination In Capture (1 reply)
  77. Mac Version? (2 replies)
  78. Rename Function (or Shortcut) Needed (8 replies)
  79. Auto Level (0 replies)
  80. X64 Unicode And Win32 Unicode Builds (0 replies)
  81. Pmview, Firefox And Png (2 replies)
  82. Message To Farmkid (0 replies)
  83. Slideshow And Movies (1 reply)
  84. Interface For Rexx (0 replies)
  85. Convert Path (5 replies)
  86. Convert Scripts Using Relative Path Output (5 replies)
  87. Pmview V3.22 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  88. Feature Suggestion (1 reply)
  89. Wanted: File->edit W/editor, File->e-mail Image (0 replies)
  90. Mouse Wheel bindings (5 replies)
  91. Registering Pmview2000 On New Pc (1 reply)
  92. Pmview V3.20 Is Now Available (0 replies)
  93. Resizing/resampling (4 replies)
  94. Is Anyone Considering A Mac Osx Version (1 reply)
  95. Waiting For Script To End (3 replies)
  96. Crop-Tool - similar to Adobe Photoshop Crop-Tool (3 replies)
  97. White Balance (0 replies)
  98. Forums Back Online! (0 replies)
  99. PMView v3.11 is now available - Announcing PMView (0 replies)
  100. 16 bit colors? (1 reply)
  101. PMView v3.10 is now available - Announcing PMView version 3.10 (2 replies)
  102. convert TIF images to SFF fax file - how to convert TIF images to SFF fax fil (1 reply)
  103. Image file copy/move - Interface improve idea - drag&drop (0 replies)
  104. Capturing does not work anymore for me - In PMview Pro is capturing working? (1 reply)
  105. Printing thumbnail sheets (3 replies)
  106. PMview 3.10 expected release date? (14 replies)
  107. Swedish version of PMView - translation (1 reply)
  108. Plugin - Plugin for IE / Firefox? (1 reply)
  109. PNG transparency - How can I determine if it's set? (3 replies)
  110. Default Browser (1 reply)
  111. Thumbnail Loading (1 reply)
  112. OT - is PMMail development dead ? (2 replies)
  113. 48 bit color support - Requested feature (1 reply)
  114. JPEG2000-Support - Support for JPEG2000-Files (1 reply)
  115. Any way to show a 2D picture into 3 D? (2 replies)
  116. How to place several pictures in canvas? (3 replies)
  117. Add Text in PMView (1 reply)
  118. File associations check - Does PMView check file associations? (1 reply)
  119. Two questions - Upgrade policy and Linux version (3 replies)
  120. PMView Capabilities Question - Is video/twain supported (2 replies)
  121. Right click "Browse with PMView"? (1 reply)
  122. Feature Request: View Freehand files (1 reply)
  123. Printing Filename with image? - Possble to have file name printed too (1 reply)
  124. German version ever to come? (9 replies)
  125. Downloading Latest Release (3 replies)
  126. "Cannot create thumbnail" - Tame/2 / SANE create a TIFF, but no TN (2 replies)
  127. Filters only on selected regions... is it possible - apply a filter only to selected region (1 reply)
  128. New Canvas in PMviewPro - How to move pictures on canvas (3 replies)
  129. New Canvas in PMview Pro - How do you move pictures  around? (1 reply)
  130. Feature Request or Already There? (1 reply)
  131. setting jpeg quality in quickscripts (1 reply)
  132. DjVU in PMView (1 reply)
  133. Unsharp Filter Characteristics (1 reply)
  134. RAW Format support - New File Format (4 replies)
  135. english license key valid for german version (1 reply)
  136. Forum links - Incorrect link at BSW (1 reply)
  137. Registering PMVie (1 reply)
  138. Feature request - Translation via .dll or by ... (1 reply)
  139. Color/Shade Reducing - missing feature? (3 replies)
  140. Mac Version (1 reply)
  141. Screenshot - Screenshot (0 replies)
  142. Showing all pictures with 50% (3 replies)
  143. file dialog open at start, (1 reply)
  144. Open File dialog - Wh (1 reply)
  145. Feature Request - Zoom and Pan with 3 button mice (0 replies)
  146. Would like "File Associations" in Preferences (2 replies)
  147. User Filter Descriptions "LAPA - Useability issue (1 reply)
  148. PMView mailing lists are also available - Announcement and Discussion lists (0 replies)
  149. Need to re-register? (1 reply)
  150. Image Icons: How to change it back (1 reply)
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