Color Menu

The functions in the Color menu are used to change the colors or shades of an image.


· Brightness/Contrast/Color opens a control that lets you adjust the brightness, contrast, and color of your image.

· RGB Balance opens a control that lets you adjust the relative strengths of red, green, and blue in your image.

· Gamma Correction opens a control that lets you adjust the gamma value of your image.

· Solarize will apply the Solarize effect to your image and opens a control that lets you adjust the solarization threshold.

· Negative inverts the colors in your image.

· Edit Palette opens the palette edit dialog.

· Load Palette lets you load and replace the palette of the current image.

· Save Palette lets you save the palette of the current image.

· Convert to converts the colors in your image.


Note: If you're handling images with more than 256 colors these adjustments may take a while, since every pixel in the bitmap must be remapped. In order to obtain smooth operation a system with palette manager should be used.



Related information:

· Example of using the color adjustment tools.