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Posted on: Jul 12 2007, 08:30 AM

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Since the resize horizontal and vertical dimensions apply to the EXIF orientation based data, it would be beneficial to also implement an EXIF sort - or other similar feature - to simplify batch resizes.

I say this because when resizing a few hundred files, some of which are landscape and some portrait, wading through and choosing each one of a particular orientation prior to the resize operation is a bit tiring.

I've written a REXX workaround that reads the EXIF information of each file and then invokes PMView to resize it, but I feel this is a feature that some other people might also find useful were it implemented in PMView itself.

Or is there already a way to do this that I've missed?
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #1153 · Replies: 3 · Views: 87,537

Posted on: Jul 3 2007, 02:18 AM

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JPG format photographs taken using a Canon EOS Kiss Digital aren't sorted by orientation when File open (thumbnail view) > Sort > Image Orientation is selected. Photographs taken with an older camera are. The older camera did not include EXIF orientation for picture rotation.

Photographs taken using both cameras are displayed by PMView in their proper orientation.

It looks like PMView rotates the EOS Kiss images according to EXIF information, but this isn't reflected in the sort order when sort by orientation is selected. Or am I perhaps doing something wrong?

OS/2 4.52 (Japanese) with latest fixpaks
PMView 3.50 for OS/2

I tried PMView 3.40 as well, and it appears to behave the same way.
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #1147 · Replies: 3 · Views: 87,537

Posted on: Mar 26 2007, 08:24 PM

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When converting some icons using PMView 3.3 in preparation for editing them, I realized that PMView appears to assign the background (transparent) portion the colour of index 0 on the pallette. This causes problems especially if the index 0 color is used in the edges of the icon, as the border of the icon is assimilated into the background. This is true in e.g. the standard OS/2 folder icons.

If the transparent background could be assigned a different color on export, or would always remain e.g. 000, the problem would be circumventable by manipulating the pallette.

To circumvent the problem I filled in the transparent portions of the icons with an otherwise unused color with the icon editor before converting them with PMView. However, this is far from an ideal solution.
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #1116 · Replies: 1 · Views: 82,373

Posted on: Jun 30 2006, 10:05 AM

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OK. Calling syssleep 1 before pmview may be the solution. I'll need to play around a bit more to be sure, though.
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #1058 · Replies: 1 · Views: 97,234

Posted on: Jun 30 2006, 03:20 AM

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OS/2 4.52 Japanese
PMView Pro 3.24

I've a crude REXX script that helps me write PPWizard headers for home page generation. When I drop a JPEG file on it, it calls PMView to do the file resizing and save. It is supposed to:

copy a file to the tmp directory,
Create a PMView script there
opes the file with PMView
and save it resized in another directory.

There is about 148 MB worth of free space on the disk, but now and then I get the following error message:

Unable to write file F:\sagyo\workshop\source\..\text\images\report\mb5h0087.jpg (Check that the file or disk is not write protected and that there is free space on the disk)

I suspect PMView involvement because the right panel of the "Confirm file replace" which appears if I copy a file to the target directory shows a black image..

However, although it has worked reliably until today, it is also possible I've somehow messed something up in the script. I include it below in case someone should have the time & inclination to check whether I'm missing something glaringly obvious...


/* REXX script to generate photo captions for PPWizard to include in reports. */
/* Assumes the first four letters of each filename to be the file creation */
/* basedate in base 32 notation. */

Options 'EXMODE'

Call rxfuncadd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
Call Sysloadfuncs

scratchfile = "scratchfile.txt"
tempscript = "tempscript.scr"
tempdir = value( "TMP",, "os2environment" )
Parse Arg filename
Parse Var filename . +(lp) shortname
Parse Var shortname datestring +4 .

/* convert 32 bit date to basedate */
/* convert basedate date to yyyymmdd */

/* Switch focus to this script */
Parse Source . . scriptname
Parse Var scriptname sourcedir +(lp) . +1 scriptname

/* get file description & subtitle */
Say "Write file description & subtitle in Japanese"
scratchfile = Get_tempfile(scratchfile)
"call e.exe" scratchfile
Parse Var txt description (delim) subtitle (delim) .
If left(translate(subtitle),8)="SUBTITLE" Then Do
Parse Var subtitle . "subtitle" subtitle

addtext="<$photo0x>" || shortname ||"<$photo1x>"|| description || "<$photo2x>" || subtitle ||"<$photo3x>" || "0d0a"x

Say "Add '"||description||":"||subtitle "to r-" || jdate ||"-p.ih?"
If Yesno()=0 Then Exit
Else Do

/* Make temporary pmview script */
rc=lineout(tempscript,"PMView Script")
rc=lineout(tempscript,"OutputDir;dirname=" || sourcedir || "\..\text\images\report;useoriginaldir=no")

/* This section needs work - all files should have .jpg extension */
rc=Sysfiledelete(tempdir || "\" || shortname)
rc=charout(tempdir || "\" || shortname,cnt)
rc= stream(tempdir || "\" || shortname,"C","Close")

"e:\programs\pmview\pmview.exe /SingleInstance=PMViewX /Script="||tempscript tempdir||"\"||shortname



rc=Sysswitchsession("File Open")

YESNO: Procedure
Pull yesno
When yesno="Y" Then Return 1
When yesno="HAI" Then Return 1
Otherwise Return 0

/* Convert 32 bit number to decimal */
TTB2D: Procedure
Numeric Digits 10
Parse Upper Arg b32
Do i=1 To d.0
Parse Var chuck . +(x) d.i +1 .
Do i=1 To d.0
Return result

/* Convert basedate to julian date in yyyymmdd format */
Parse Arg day
Do year=1 While day>=365
When year//100=0 & year//400<>0 Then Nop
When year//4=0 Then day=day-1
Otherwise Nop
If year>1 Then day=day+1 /*There is no day 0. Special to handle year 1. */
Do month=1 Until day<md /*Do until total days < days in current month */
When month=2 Then Select
When year//100=0 & year//400<>0 Then xd=28
When year//4=0 Then xd=29
Otherwise xd=28
When month=4 | month=6 | month=9 | month=11 Then xd=30
Otherwise xd=31
If day<=0 Then day=day+xd /*If current days <=0 then add days in current month */
Return year || month || day

UPPER: Procedure
Parse Arg temp
Return translate(temp,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ児壯","abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz・≪")

LOWER: Procedure
Parse Arg temp
Return translate(temp,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz・≪","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ児壯")

function: Check if a file, directory or device exists

call: rc = FileExists( fileToTest )

where: fileToTest - name of the file to test

returns: -2 - invalid parameter
-1 - cannot detect (e.g. the drive is not ready)
0 - no file, device or directory with this name exists
1 - the file exists
2 - a device with this name exists
3 - a directory with this name exists

FILEEXISTS: Procedure /* v2.90 - from RxTT35 */
Parse Arg filename

/* install temporary error handler */
Signal On Notready Name Fileexistserror
Signal On Failure Name Fileexistserror
Signal On Error Name Fileexistserror

Thisrc = -2 /* rc = -2 ->> invalid parameter */

/* check the parameter */
If strip( filename ) <> "" Then Do
thisrc = -1 /* rc = -1 ->> cannot detect */

/* check whether the drive with the file is ready */
Call stream filename
/* Lower error detection level to determine whether the name is that of a device (e.g. "LPT1") */
Signal Off Notready

If stream( filename, "c", "QUERY EXISTS" ) <> "" Then Do
/* seems that the file exists -- check wheter it is a device */
If stream( filename, "c", "QUERY DATETIME" ) == "" Then
thisrc = 2 /* rc = 2 ->> a device name */
thisrc = 1 /* rc = 1 ->> a file name */
Else Do
/* The file apparently does not exist -- check whether a directory with the name exists */

/* Save the current directory of the current drive */
thisdir = directory()
/* Save the current directory of the drive on which the target should exist */
tempdir = directory( filespec( "Drive", filename ) )

If directory( filename ) <> "" Then
thisrc = 3 /* rc = 3 ->> a dir with this name exists */
thisrc = 0 /* rc = 0 ->> no file, device or directory with this name exists */

/* restore the current directory of the target drive */
Call directory tempdir
/* restore the current directory of the current drive */
Call directory thisdir

Return thisrc

FUNCTION: Designates temporary file name in "TMP" directory

call: get_tempfile()
returns: temp??.???, or if a template containing up to five ??:s has
been given, whatever matches the template (e.g. tmp?????.scr)

Requires: Rexxutil.dll

Notes: returned tempfile ALWAYS resides in "TMP" directory
Trace Off /*DEBUG */
tempdir = value( "TMP",, "os2environment" )
Parse Arg filename

/* Get rid of any path information. */
If pos(":",filename)=2 | Countstr("\",filename)>0 Then Do
Parse Value Parsefn(filename) With . . chuck.extension || "." || chuck.extension
Drop chuck.

/* Note file extension */
If lastpos(".",filename)>0 Then Parse Var filename filenamebody =(chuck.extension) fileext
Drop chuck.

When pos("?",filename) = 0 & Fileexists( tempdir || "\" || filename ) = 0 Then Return tempdir || "\" || filename
When pos("?",filename) = 0 & fileext = "" Then filename = "tmp?????.tmp"
When pos("?",filename) = 0 Then filename = "tmp?????" || fileext
Otherwise Nop

Return Systempfilename(tempdir||"\"||filename )

FUNCTION: Count Needles in a Haystack

call: countstr needles,haystack
where: needles = what to find and haystack = where to find them
returns: number of needles in haystack

Requires: nothing
COUNTSTR: Procedure
Trace Off /*DEBUG */
Parse Arg needle, haystack
Do While temp > 0
Return result

FUNCTION: parses file name to driveletter, path, name and extension

call: call ParseFN("e:\os2\cmd.exe")
returns: e,\os2\,cmd,exe

Requires: countstr
PARSEFN: Procedure
Trace Off /*DEBUG */
Parse Arg filename
If lastpos(":",filename)>0 Then Parse Var filename p.d ":" filename
If length(p.d)>1 Then Return ""
If Countstr("\",filename)>0 Then Do
Parse Var filename p.p +(delim) filename
If 0<Countstr(".",filename) Then Do
Parse Var filename p.f +(delim) . +1 p.e
Else p.f=filename
Return p.d||","||p.p||","||p.f||","||p.e
Attached thumbnail(s)
Attached Image
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #1057 · Replies: 1 · Views: 97,234

Posted on: May 1 2006, 02:36 AM

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As a feature request for some future version, would it be feasible to store the icon EA in the default system icon size and a separate for PMView thumbnail EA in whatever size the user wants? The extra space taken by the "normal" icon would not be of much concern, but would certainly look better. (In any case my 200px square thumbnails sometimes take more disk space than the original images.)

Another somewhat related feature perhaps worth considering would be the ability to convert an image to an .ico file that would contain all the standard size/color formats for the platform instead of just the 40x40 pixel version.
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #1035 · Replies: 2 · Views: 83,633

Posted on: Apr 13 2006, 10:58 PM

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Open image
zoom in further (e.g. * * * * * * * *)
Select and copy a vertical two pixel area

Only one pixel of the pasted selection is seen on-screen. The whole area exists, but the upper pixel is hidden under the upper border.

A single pixel paste is completely hidden from view, and accordingly cannot be moved/manipulated.

This only seems to happen at very large magnifications.

PMView 3.24, Japanese OS/2 CP2
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #1018 · Replies: 1 · Views: 68,796

Posted on: Apr 13 2006, 10:44 PM

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Large (200x200px) icons automatically generated by PMView after file type conversion of a large file with a white background to png format appear on the desktop with a black 1px bar on the right edge. This bar is only apparent in the icon when shown on the desktop and don't seem to be present in the icon file when opened in the icon editor. Is this a known OS/2 bug?
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #1017 · Replies: 2 · Views: 83,633

Posted on: Mar 18 2006, 04:35 AM

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Thanks - the idea of using separate INIs didn't occur to me. OS/2 is my main platform, so I'll put it to use immediately.

Does PMView return control to the script before completing all file I/O? Occasionally (every couple hundred files or so) either the script or PMView complains of not being able to access or delete a file. If it may be a timing issue caused by multithreading I will try adding a delay (but even one second x 3600 is an hour, so I'd prefer not to...)
  Forum: PMView - General Discussion · Post Preview: #993 · Replies: 5 · Views: 23,805

Posted on: Mar 15 2006, 10:45 AM

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Following up to myself...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but settings made through the GUI seem to remain in effect even when PMView is later called from a script.

I resolved my renaming issue by generating all files to a temporary directory and then using the REXX script to move/rewrite them as I wish.

Appending a ">nul" to the line that calls PMView got rid of the overwrite confirmation. (Again, this may also have been possible via the GUI.)

It would still be nice to be able to call all settings via flags, but this is probably such a rare requirement that I do understand if it can't be...
  Forum: PMView - General Discussion · Post Preview: #991 · Replies: 5 · Views: 23,805

Posted on: Mar 14 2006, 01:53 PM

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I'm working on a home page that will contain a catalogue of some thousand photographs so this subject is of interest.

I have a Rexx script that will recursively generate file lists, populate catalogue pages, and call an image converter to perform the required conversions. My plan was to use PMView as the file processor, but a closer look at the documentation (and some experimentation) seems to indicate that many of the manipulations that can be done via the GUI are not scriptable...

Have I missed something, or will the generated files always have the same name as the originals?

Is there a way to force overwrite of existing files?

Is there a way to use scripts to change any of the image quality settings for JPEG / PNG files?

I am very aware that PMView is primarily a GUI viewer - but it has the functionality I need and does very good conversions, so it would be nice to use it if there is an interface that would allow me to do so.

In a word, are there any undocumented switches that might do the job, or should I look elsewhere for now?
  Forum: PMView - General Discussion · Post Preview: #988 · Replies: 5 · Views: 23,805

Posted on: Jan 18 2006, 08:13 PM

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Quite some coincidence! The symptoms were identical with the Windows version so I thought it was the same bug.

If it helps, I usually use a HP Business Inkjet 2600 with the latest postscript driver. I'll try another printer when I have the time.
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #969 · Replies: 4 · Views: 110,206

Posted on: Jan 16 2006, 11:20 PM

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The bug in auto-orientation I reported in August 2005 in the Windows forum still seems to exist at least in OS/2 version 3.23. When printing several files at once, the orientation remains portrait although some of the files are landscape. This results in only the (left) portion of a horizontal picture that fit in the width of the vertical sheet being printed, while the bottom portion of the sheet is left blank.

To replicate:

File open
- choose two files, the first portrait and the second landscape, using ctrl - left click
- right click on the second file
- choose print
- image size: fit pixels
- page orientation:automatic
- unit:mm
- gamma 1.00

I've been avoiding the issue by copying the photographs I want to print into two temporary folders, and printing them from there, but this is obviously not a very elegant solution...
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #963 · Replies: 4 · Views: 110,206

Posted on: Jan 16 2006, 11:04 PM

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When installing PMView version 3.23 over a previous version, WarpIn warns that several of the files to be installed are older than the existing ones. The file sizes are identical, but the time stamps of the files in v3.23 are exactly one hour older than the "old" ones.

I'm sorry I didn't note the version I was installing on top of - I didn't at first think this was worth reporting, but come to think of it, while a small nuisence it should probably be tidied up.
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #962 · Replies: 3 · Views: 85,571

Posted on: Jul 23 2005, 04:44 PM

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When I tried to print several files on a windows machine at once the orientation remained portrait although some of the files were landscape. This resulted in only the (left) portion of the horizontal picture that fit in the width of the vertical sheet being printed, while the bottom portion of the sheet was left blank.

Sequence of events:
File open
- choose two files, the first portrait and the second landscape, using ctrl - left click
- right click on the second file
- choose print
- image size: fit pixels
- page orientation:automatic
- unit:mm
- gamma 1.00
  Forum: PMView - Windows Technical Support · Post Preview: #872 · Replies: 1 · Views: 15,586

Posted on: Jul 18 2005, 11:32 AM

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OK. I'm now using version 3.12 and the problem still exists... so here is a question:

I'm trying to create the resize script manually but cannot seem to find detailed documentation on the format in the reference materials. I can create the resize script using script editor, just not modify it, so I know how to set the size in pixels. However, what I would like to do is resize in percentages because some of the pictures are in portrait mode.

Is this possible? If so, what should the script say? Just adding a percentage mark after the numeral doesn't seem to work.
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #869 · Replies: 3 · Views: 21,347

Posted on: Feb 7 2005, 08:03 PM

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The system is a Japanese Convenience Pack 2 with latest fixpak, the newest kernel and XWorkplace.

Again sorry for continuing on a new post but the bulletin board system either refuses to send me my password information or I registered using a now defunct e-mail address!
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #835 · Replies: 3 · Views: 21,347

Posted on: Feb 6 2005, 05:34 AM

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I'm writing a rexx script to convert RAW images to something a bit more accessible until PMView can access them directly using dcraw.exe. To save disk space I want to call PMView 3.10 to convert the PPM files to PNG. However, although the script designates that the target file should be PNG, what is generated is a BMP file.

If the script asks for a JPEG file, a JPEG file is generated.

The PMView script is a temporary one generated by the REXX script in the f:tmp directory. It looks like this:

PMView Script

The command line to call PMView is
e:optpmviewpmview.exe /scr=f:tmpunraw.pmview.PNG.scq f:dcimdirectorynamefilename.ppm

Any ideas? Is this reproducible by anyone else?
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #828 · Replies: 2 · Views: 17,715

Posted on: Feb 5 2005, 10:09 AM

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Double-click to open PMView
Close hint
right-click on file
new (script name=xxvx)
double-click resize
(resize appears in left window)
Double-click resize in left window

02-05-2005 23:54:54 SYS3170 PID 005c TID 0001 Slot 0079
P1=002b9c20 P2=002b9c3a P3=002b9cca P4=002b9c68
EAX=7cd0dbef EBX=0000af04 ECX=00000007 EDX=00000000
ESI=003d0000 EDI=22e30000
DS=dbef DSACC=00f3 DSLIM=0000313c
ES=0000 ESACC=**** ESLIM=********
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=f97f:000007f6 CSACC=00fb CSLIM=0000379d
SS:ESP=029f:0053ef4e SSACC=00f3 SSLIM=0000efff
EBP=003def58 FLG=00012246

PMVIEW.EXE 0001:002a9640


02-05-2005 23:56:43 SYS3170 PID 0082 TID 0001 Slot 0079
P1=003db368 P2=003db4a0 P3=22e30850 P4=18f60ddc
EAX=7cd0dbef EBX=0000af04 ECX=00000007 EDX=00000000
ESI=003d0000 EDI=22e20000
DS=dbef DSACC=00f3 DSLIM=0000313c
ES=0000 ESACC=**** ESLIM=********
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=f97f:000007f6 CSACC=00fb CSLIM=0000379d
SS:ESP=029f:0053ef4e SSACC=00f3 SSLIM=0000efff
EBP=003def58 FLG=00012246



02-05-2005 23:57:26 SYS3170 PID 0085 TID 0001 Slot 0079
P1=002b9c20 P2=002b9c3a P3=002b9cca P4=002b9c68
EAX=7cd0dbef EBX=0000af04 ECX=00000007 EDX=00000000
ESI=003d0000 EDI=20090000
DS=dbef DSACC=00f3 DSLIM=0000313c
ES=0000 ESACC=**** ESLIM=********
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=f97f:000007f6 CSACC=00fb CSLIM=0000379d
SS:ESP=029f:0053ef4e SSACC=00f3 SSLIM=0000efff
EBP=003def58 FLG=00012246

PMVIEW.EXE 0001:002a9640
  Forum: PMView - OS/2 Technical Support · Post Preview: #827 · Replies: 1 · Views: 14,541

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