Zooming Keys


Key    Function


Zoom out (decrease current zoom factor)


Zoom in (increase current zoom factor)


Zoom out (decrease current zoom percentage by 10%)


Zoom in (increase current zoom percentage by 10%)

Alt + 8

Zoom to 12.5% of the original image size

Alt + 4

Zoom to 25.0% of the original image size

Alt + 3

Zoom to 33.3% of the original image size

Alt + 2

Zoom to 50.0% of the original image size

Alt +1 or Ctrl + 1

Zoom to 100% of the original image size

Ctrl + 2

Zoom to 200% of the original image size

Ctrl + 3

Zoom to 300% of the original image size

Ctrl + 4

Zoom to 400% of the original image size

Ctrl + 8

Zoom to 800% of the original image size

Alt + 0 or Ctrl + 0

Zoom off

Alt + X

Zoom to (manually enter zoom percentage)

Ctrl + F

Zoom to Fit

Ctrl + L

Zoom lock