File Menu


This is essentially a copy of File Menu from the main menu bar. You can use either File from the menu bar or File hereto do things like switch between image and slideshow modes, open new files, save the current file and exit PMView.


The File menu lets you transfer files from/to disk or to delete the current image or run a slideshow.


· New lets you create a new empty canvas, a new slideshow, or start a new PMView session in a new window.

· Open is used to load an image from disk or to browse your images and create/delete thumbnails.

· Recall will revert to the file on disk, which means any changes you had made to it (or your view of it) are lost. Recall also lets you recall one of 8 recently loaded files.

· Save will save the current image to disk. The image will be written to a file with the same file name, format and options that were used when the file was last saved.

· Save As is used if you would like to save the file with a different name, in another file format or change any of the save options.

· Delete will delete the currently displayed

· Close will close the current slideshow image.

· Exit will quit PMView