Color rendering options - Systems with Palette Manager


These options determine how PMView will reduce the number of colors when loading an image.




· Adaptive This will select the best colors for the image.

· System This will only use colors in the system palette.

· 8-8-4 levels This will use the vaunted 3-3-2 bits fixed palette, that is, a palette with 8 intensity levels for the Red and Green components and 4 levels for Blue.

· 6-7-6 levels This will use a 6-7-6 level fixed palette, that is, a palette with 6 intensity levels for the Red and Blue component and 7 levels for Green.

· 6-6-6 levels This will use a 6-6-6 level fixed palette, that is, a palette with 6 intensity levels for each color component, thus the image will be reduced to a maximum of 216 colors. This palette is well suited for systems with palette manager since the Palette Manager works best if the palette contains no more than 236 color entries.




· None The colors will be selected on best match basis. The color error is not compensated.

· Ordered Ordered dithering is used to compensate the error. Ordered dithering can only be used with R-G-B level palettes.

· Diffusion Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion dithering is used to compensate the color error.


Preference    Palette  Dither

Best color quality  Adaptive  Diffusion

Fastest loading  6-6-6 level Ordered

Suppress flicker  6-6-6 level Diffusion

System default  .Adaptive  None


Note: You can suppress the palette flicker that normally occurs when you run multiple PMView sessions by selecting one of the fixed palettes.